Thursday, July 16, 2015

Complete Earth LLC Based in California and headed by Jim Sullivan, Complete Earth (CE USA) is preparing to launch Earth Sparks – the next generation in crowdfunding.

 It’s incentive-based, which means that

anyone who helps find new projects or members is rewarded in the process.

 Earth Sparks is central to a new ecosystem and CE USA has recently agreed a plan with Before Earth and CEOSA (the technology owner). This ensures a flow of money into places such as M2E Holdings PLC, helping Before Earth to repay members who wish to leave Me2everyone and giving those members who want to transfer a genuine reason to smile. During 2015 the CE USA ecosystem will be expanded to include old favourites such as TreeHa whilst also launching its own social networking ap

M2E Holdings PLC Since 2011 Me2everyone members have secured shares with a face value of £3.57m in M2E Holdings via a transaction whereby members give their Metoos to Complete Earth Organisation SA (CEOSA) in exchange for shares in the PLC. The Metoos are then destroyed – preserving their neutral value. In 2015, shareholder patience is being rewarded with a new board of directors, a new company name and an agreement with Complete Earth LLC which sees the company receiving 3% of all Central Store sales from within the ecosystem (see page 10). That agreement will enable the new directors to decide the frequency of dividends (payments to you) and whether the PLC makes any additional investments in the future. Based upon 108m members in the new ecosystem((a low number) revenues under the agreement may reach £43.2m annually.

Central Store Sales The new ecosystem will have a Central Store where sales generated affect both the income generated by members who wish to transfer into the ecosystem and those members who wish to cancel their Me2everyone agreement. Central Store purchases include marketing enhancements for Earth Sparks Projects, any purchases made from TreeHa, Rise of Emodo or Bubble of Energy, apparel sales, member marketing packs, seminars, events, other game purchases, advertising within the new social network, Pathfinder or Development Director licenses and any item offered by projects connected to Earth Sparks.

 NOTES Commissions to any member, including Pathfinders and Development Directors will vary according to the type of purchase being made. More information will be given in this Report and on Earth Sparks, when it launches.

Share Purchases Combined Value of Purchases: £0.00 In 2011 and 2013 some members directly purchased shares in M2E Holdings PLC, which were held by CEOSA. The money was used to deliver the current version of Me2everyone. Purchases of shares are being treated as Enhanced Memberships and will be included in the calculation of your Pathfinder Advantage membership, should you wish to transfer into the new ecosystem. Whether you transfer or cancel your membership, you will retain any shares you hold in M2E Holdings PLC.

 Evolution Development Counsel (EDC) Since 2011 EDC membership has been open to those M2E members whom the directors felt could enhance the organisation. The EDC are high volume recruiters, marketing specialists, entrepreneurs, lawyers, police officers or other professionals. EDC members meet often (online) and they serve as writers, editors, think tanks and directors of M2E companies. EDC members account for 49% of the Enhanced Memberships and almost 98% of all investments into the new Complete Earth ecosystem. In the coming days the EDC mission will come to an end. Some members have been selected as prospective directors in the new ecosystem, whilst others will become the first management team for the Development Director and Pathfinder network. A new Complete Earth Development Counsel (CEDC) will emerge with members assigned directly to Development Directors – helping to transform their ideas into policy for the ecosystem. Your Involvement If you ever served on the EDC1 your time has been translated into a Pathfinder Advantage membership worth £0.00 and from the next page you can discover how to transform this into something more tangible. 1. Before the EDC there was the Global Exec and the Management Group. Members of both bodies received Metoos for their involvement. Those Metoos have not been included in this Report.

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